Soulmask Server Rules
PvE Server Rules
On our servers, we believe in fostering a free speech environment. While we won't ban for speech, we encourage everyone to be respectful to one another. With that being said, the only hard rule is: no cheating.
Our PvE server has a no-wipe policy, allowing you to build and progress without fear of losing your hard work.
Additional Information
- No Wipes: Our PvE server will not undergo wipes, ensuring your progress remains intact.
- Server Rewards Shop: The server rewards shop is exclusively available on our PvE server, offering unique items and perks for our dedicated players.
PvE Server Settings
Server Settings
Bonfire Burning Speed Coefficient: 0.75x
Bonfire Limit: 10x
Max Number of Map Markers: Increased to 50
Tribe Recruitment Limit: Increased to 75
Tribesmen Allowed per Individual Player: 3, 10, 17, 25
Deployed Tribesmen: Increased to 3
Perfect Remodel: Turned on
Info Entry Limits: Increased to 6
EXP (Awareness): 1.75x
Proficiency EXP: 2x
Drops from Chests: 2x
Boss Drops: 2x
Animal Growth Speed: 1.75x
Collection EXP: 1.75x
Crafting Speed: 2x
Crop Growth Speed: 1.75x
Barbarian Tame Speed: 1.75x
Reduce Durability Loss: 0.75x
PVP [No Raid] Server Rules
On our servers, we believe in fostering a free speech environment. While we won't ban for speech, we encourage everyone to be respectful to one another. With that being said, the only hard rule is: no cheating.
For clarification, PVP [No Raid] is full PvP at all hours with base damage completely off.
Look forward to the server launching in the next few hours!
A Word of Advice
To those completely inexperienced with PvP, your thralls and animals are not safe at any point. Keep them housed if you want to keep them alive. Not everybody is a saint, and you could lose them all in a short amount of time. That farmer who leaves the building to maintain your crops? He might return with a friend. Be ready for anything, because while this is meant to be a friendly community, I will not take action on thralls that were killed through nefarious methods like this. Learn to play with the systems as they are.
To complement that, though, understand that any griefing that is a clear exploit will be considered and acted on appropriately. Please send me any possible infractions you notice, and I'll do my best to look into the situation.
Our PVP [No Raid] server has a no-wipe policy, so you can enjoy uninterrupted gameplay.
PVP [No Raid] Server Settings
Server Settings
Barbarian Taming Speed Multiplier: 3x
Character Remodel Time: 5 Minutes
Tribe Recruitment Limit: 75
Amount of Tribesmen per Player: 3, 10, 18, 25
Number of Saved Tribesmen: 10
Max Load Multiplier: 1.5x
Backpack Capacity: 80 (normally 60)
Tribe Persons: 6 (Negotiable)
Awareness Strength EXP Multiplier: 2x
Character EXP Multiplier: 2x
Mask EXP Multiplier: 2x
Proficiency EXP Multiplier: 3x
Collection Output Multiplier: 2x
Logging Output Multiplier: 2x
Mining Output Multiplier: 2x
Slaughtering Output Multiplier: 2x
Animal Part Output Multiplier: 2x
Normal Barbarian Drop Multiplier: 3x
Elite Barbarian Drop Multiplier: 3x
Boss Drop Multiplier: 3x
Plant Crop Yield Multiplier: 2x
Crop Growth Speed Multiplier: 1.5x
Crafting Speed Multiplier: 2x
Chest Drop Multiplier: 3x
Resource Collection HP Coefficient: 1.5x
Animal Growth Speed: 5x
Animal Yield Multiplier: 2x
Hatching Speed: 10x
Building Decay Coefficient: 0.5x
Building Construction & Repair Speed Multiplier: 2x
Damage Multiplier of Wild Objects Against Buildings: 0x
Bonfire Burning Speed Coefficient: 0.5x
Vegetation Respawn Speed: 2.5x
HP Recovery Speed Multiplier: 2.5x
PvP Ranged Damage Coefficient: 0.6 (typically 0.4)
Damage Coefficient Between Allies in PvP: 1x
Durability Consumption Multiplier: 0.5x
Satiety Consumption Speed Multiplier: 0.3x
Hydration Consumption Speed Multiplier: 0.3x
Coefficient of Materials Needed for Repair: 0.75
Repair Reduces the Durability Limit Coefficient: 0x
Ascension PvP Server Overview
Note: The PvP server is currently off, but will return for round 3 on January 1st at 12:00 PM EST.
On our servers, we believe in fostering a free speech environment. While we won't ban for speech, we encourage everyone to be respectful to one another. With that being said, the only hard rule is: no cheating.

Important Note: Rules are subject to change between wipes. Any changes will be specified or voted on beforehand. We welcome and encourage all recommendations for improving the server experience!
Additional Information
- The Ascension PvP server is designed to provide an intense and competitive experience for PvP enthusiasts.
- The gated progression system ensures that players have a fair chance to establish themselves before facing high-level threats.
- Higher multipliers in later gates allow for faster progression and more intense battles as the server cycle progresses.
- Raid hours are specifically scheduled to create focused periods of PvP action while also allowing for periods of peaceful progression.
- We encourage fair play and sportsmanship. Cheating is the only thing that will result in a ban on this server more or less.
- For any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please join our Discord.