How to Connect to Conan | Pandemonium Gaming Community
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How to Connect: Conan Exiles | Pandemonium Gaming Community

How to Connect: Conan Exiles


If you're confused, don't feel bad, you're not alone. Funcom has made the process a little challenging.

*please note: If you ever receive an error suggesting your ping is too high to connect, that's a bug with the client. Please just use the direct connect option to bypass it by copy pasting the server's IP address by interacting with the button below found on the server selection screen.

Direct Connect Button

Steam Version

  1. The first step is to make sure that you have the prerequisite mods installed to be able to play on our server. To accomplish this MAKE SURE YOU'VE COMPLETLY CLOSE OUT OF CONAN IF IT'S RUNNING MAKE SURE IT GIVES YOU THE OPTION TO HIT PLAY IN THE STEAM LIBRARY then you can visit our steam workshop collection:

    Make sure you're logged in Steam through the browser you're using. If you're logged in you should see your account information on the top right:

    Steam Account Information

    (If you're having problems connecting to Steam through your browser for some reason another option is to use your Steam client. Simply go to your Library, select Conan Exiles, and then select Workshop. Once you're in the workshop section select 'Browse', and then from the dropdown menu select 'Collections'. Once in the collections section search for "Pandemonium" Then select "Pandemonium Mod Collection by Mijin".)

  2. The next step is to simply select subscribe to all as shown below. From there you can chose if you want to select 'Add Only' or 'Overwrite My Subscriptions'. Unless you have other mods that you frequently use, I suggest choosing 'Overwrite My Subscriptions' this will make sorting out your mod list easier in the following steps, but 'Add Only' works too. Then you need to wait for them to download. We have about 3GB worth of mods on this server (It's small compared to many others; trust me) so depending on your internet speed it may take a few minutes to download.

    Subscribe to All Mods
  3. During this process, Steam will show you that Conan is being updated/validated. As shown below, wait for the process to fully finish before proceeding.

    Steam Validating Process
  4. After that process finished return to Conan Exiles from your Steam Library. You will know the game's ready to launch when you see the green play button available. Go ahead and click play to load the Conan Exiles Launcher. From there you can hit Launch. Tip: Later when reconnecting, as long as our server was the last server you played on, you can just hit 'continue' in lieu of 'launch'.

  5. Once you've made it through the opening video and reached the menu screen (Pay Online, Singleplayer/Co-Op, Friend List, etc.) Select 'Mods'. This next step is often overlooked, but it's crucial to get exactly right otherwise the game will restart again every time you try to reconnect. Once you open the mods menu you'll see something like this:

    Mods Menu
  6. Please note, it will only look exactly like the above image if you followed my suggestion during the previous steps and chose to 'Overwrite My Subscriptions' when downloading the collection. If you did, then they're already under the 'Available Mods' section on the left in the correct order, and all you have to do is select them one by one and hit the right arrow button to move them over to the selected mods section. If you chose 'Add Only' instead when downloading the collection then depending on what mods you have already, you may need to turn some off by hitting selecting them in the 'Selected Mods' section and moving them over with the left arrow button, and you will have to sift through your 'Available Mods' to find the ones you need for this server, and move them over to the 'Selected Mods' section in the correct order. How ever you go about this, the important part is getting the mods we use in the selected mods section in the correct order. Which you can see below:

      Required Mods (in order)
    1. Amunets Server Transfer
    2. Pippi
    3. ModControlPanel
    4. DungeonMasterTools Eternal
    5. Happy Little Trees
    6. Barbarian Barber
    7. Grim's Wonderbody Reupload
    8. Aphrodite Water
    9. Juilla's Crabby Fashion
    10. "Gothic" Building Set
    11. Sand and Stone
    12. Desert Town
    13. Creature Comforts
    14. Northern Timber
    15. Less Building Restrictions
    16. Tot! Sudo
    17. Tot! Hud
    18. Tot! Admin
    19. Tot! Custom
  7. Once you have moved all of the mods above into the 'Selected Mods' section, hit the back button on the bottom right. You will get a confirmation message notifying you that you must restart the game for the changes to take effect. Select yes and the game client will close. The game is supposed to start back up by itself during this, however, when I was writing these instructions mine didn't. If this happens for you just hit play again from the Steam Library, then hit 'Launch' on the launcher window.

  8. Once you're back at the in-game menu select 'Play Online'. Now you're on the server selection screen. From here first make sure at least the following two boxes are checked:

    Server Selection Options
  9. After that you can enter "Pandemonium" in the server name field to search for our servers, please disregard any servers that copy our name to try to leech off our popularity. The two servers you're looking for are the following:

    Pandemonium Servers
  10. Choose which ever server you would like to start off on (It doesn't matter because you can travel between them with the same character anytime), and that is it! You're Done! Welcome to our server, we're glad to have you.

  11. Alternatively to selecting the servers through the search function, you're welcome to use the direct connect feature and enter the IP addresses manually:

    Simply click 'Direct Connect' on the bottom left of the server select screen, and copy paste the corresponding IP address to the server you would like to join.

    Pandemonium Multi-Map: Exiled Lands

    Pandemonium Multi-Map: Siptah

Once in game you will be at the character creation screen that you should be familiar with if you've ever played the game before, however, since this server uses the Tot! Custom mod, you can skip the character creation screen if you like, and instead edit your character using the mod for many more customization options once in game.

Character Customization

Please view our section on Tot! Custom for more information regarding how to customize your character.

It's also worth noting, that much to my chagrin, the Tot! Custom mod turns the game's default sheathed weapons setting off by default, so if you don't plan on using Tot's advanced features right out of the box, it's worth taking a moment to go into the game settings under gameplay, and turning them back on by selecting 'Show for all players' in the dropdown menu. Just remember to turn them off later if you start using Tot's sheathed weapons features:

Sheathed Weapons Setting

Versions Other Than Steam

These instructions are for those who are using the Epic Games, Xbox Game Pass, Microsoft Store, or what ever other versions there are out there. There's some extra steps involved.

  1. The first step is going to be to download the mods. To do this you're going to need to make a steam account if you don't have one. It's free, and you don't need to own the steam version of the game to download mods for it. So if you don't already have steam set up on your computer visit the following URL and get that taken care of first:

    Alternatively, if you like, you can try the 'Advanced User Method' section

    Once you're on the steam client you can follow steps 1 and 2 from the 'Steam Version' guide above. The reason you're doing this is simply to get the mods on your computer, I'm now going to tell you where to put them.

  2. If you used the default path for Steam then you can navigate to:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\440900

    Make your way there and then open up another explorer window because now you need to locate your Conan Exiles installation directory. The following are some common locations depending on your version:

    Microsoft Store: C:\Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps
    Epic Games Store: C:\Program Files (x86)\EpicGames\Conan Exiles\WindowsNoEditor\ConanSandbox\Mods
    Game Pass: C:\XboxGames\Conan Exiles\Content\WindowsNoEditor\ConanSandbox\Mods

    Once you've found your installation location for the game you need to make a 'mods' folder inside it. To do that just right click, select new, select new folder, and name it 'mods'.

    Now it's necessary to move the mods out of the steam workshop content folders and into the newly created 'mods' folder. The steam workshop folder '440900' contains many subfolders for every mod. You need to open each sub folder and drag the .pak file out and into the newly created mods folder in your Conan Exiles install directory. This process should be repeated for every subfolder in the '440900' folder.

  3. Now you have to grant administrator permissions to your mod folder. This can be accomplished using Windows Powershell. Hit the 'Windows' key on your keyboard to bring up the search function, type the word "Power" and "Windows Powershell" will appear in the results. Right click the program and select run as administrator. You need to input the following command:

    icacls "C:\Path\To\Your\Mods\Folder" /grant Administrators:F

    You need to replace C:\Path\To\Your\Mods\Folder with your actual directory from the mods folder you created in the previous step. This can be found from the cop of the file explorer window where you moved your .pak files to. After you've input the command, hit enter.

    PowerShell Command

    After that's finished you can close Powershell, launch the game, and proceed to from step 4 on in the Steam Guide above. If you have any trouble feel free to reach out on Discord.

Advanced User Method

This really isn't all that advanced in all honesty, but my goal with the other instructions was to make them as simple and as unintimidating as they possible can be. It is possible to utilize SteamCMD to install the mods manually, quickly, all in one shot. This can be particularly useful for non-steam users, and can be usful for everyone as an update method that I'll discuss in our section on how to handle updates. But for now I'll explain how this can be accomplished for installing the mods for the first time.

  1. The first step is to download SteamCMD which can be obtained from the following URL:

  2. Extract the contents of the download to a directory of your choice. For ease of use, a simple path like C:\steamcmd is recommended.

  3. Hit the 'Windows Key' to open the search bar, type "Notepad". Open note pad and paste the following:

    @echo off
    set MODS_DIR=
    %STEAMCMD_PATH%\steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +force_install_dir "%MODS_DIR%" ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 2305969565 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 880454836 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 1823412793 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 3269051739 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 2759298265 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 2050780234 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 2384014945 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 2939641714 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 2982469779 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 2907887606 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 2411388528 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 2095912535 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 2804440383 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 1928978003 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 1369743238 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 3036057084 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 2677532697 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 2850232250 ^
    +workshop_download_item 440900 2886779102 ^

    After 'set STEAMCMD_PATH=' you need to add the path to wherever you installed SteamCMD. If you followed my advice you would add 'C:\Steamcmd' here, so it would look like this: 'set STEAMCMD_PATH=C:\Steamcmd'

    For 'set MODS_DIR=' you need to the path to where you want the mods to install. If you're on steam, by default, it would be:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\440900

    If you're using some other version then you need to use the directory you created for mods in the previous step for the "Versions Other Than Steam" instructions. Save it as "Mods.bat", or whatever. The name isn't important, as long as it has .bat on the end. Save it where ever you can find it easily. Your desktop is fine. After that simply click the .bat file you made to run it.

    Please be aware however, the above bat file will download all the mods into their appropriate subfolders for Steam users, so if you're not using Steam you'd still have to move all the .pak files out manually into your 'mods' folder. However, if you want to be lazy you can make another bat file like this:

    @echo off
    for /R "%DOWNLOAD_DIR%" %%f in (*.pak) do (
        move "%%f" "%DESTINATION_DIR%\%%~nxf"
    echo All .pak files have been moved to %DESTINATION_DIR%.

    Once again, copy paste the above into notepad. Add the directory where you downloaded the mods 'set DOWNLOAD_DIR=' and the locations where you want them to go, so your mods folder, to 'set DESTINATION_DIR=' save the bat file as whatever.bat, run it, and it will automatically extract them for you. You could combine the bat scripts together if you wanted to, but for the sake of simplicity I've kept them separate here.

Final Thoughts

That pretty much covers everything I can think to tell you about for now. If you get stuck please feel free to reach out on our Discord. See you in game!